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Donate to support

Help grow a world where reverence, connection, and the common good are nourished by Spiritual Wisdom and the practice of Spiritual Literacy.


Serving our community together

Thank you for your donation! In 2024 we are dedicating all of our donations to our Website Redesign Fund. We have to upgrade the software that runs the site, and we are using that opportunity to make changes in how we serve our community and share spiritual practices together.

Your contribution will help expand our team, reach diverse audiences, and add new features to the website to make the transformative power and practice of Spiritual Literacy available to people all over the world. Your donation will help us keep our website and its thousands of pages of resources, readings, practices, and reviews well cared for and available for free to all. We will also be able to have a "Wisdom Room" offering video practices and opportunities to share practices together. An app is also in our plans.

We invite you to make a gift to S&P today and be part of our work to build connections around the world through spiritual practice.